Problem with Tag Rendering in ASP.NET


Surajit Laha


I am facing a strange problem!

I have hosted the same ASP.NET web app in two servers.
One server is Win XP Pro (IIS 5.1) and the other is Win 2k Server (IIS

The trouble is when the application is requested from the WinXP
machine, it renders SPAN tag, while when the page is requested from
the Win2k machine it does not!

To explain it in more detail:

From Win2k server:
<input id="dgrTeamAuth__ctl2_chkAuthorized" type="checkbox"
name="dgrTeamAuth:_ctl2:chkAuthorized" checked="checked"
onclick="javascript:SyncTextBox(this);" />

From WinXP server:
<span onclick="javascript:SyncTextBox(this);"><input
id="dgrTeamAuth__ctl2_chkAuthorized" type="checkbox"
name="dgrTeamAuth:_ctl2:chkAuthorized" checked="checked" /></span>

Now the diference is in SPAN tag.

Due to this some JavaScript of the page is throwing error.

How can I ensure that the browser renders the same HTML each time,
atleast if the client PC remains the same?

Please help.
-Surajit Laha

John Saunders

Surajit Laha said:

I am facing a strange problem!

I have hosted the same ASP.NET web app in two servers.
One server is Win XP Pro (IIS 5.1) and the other is Win 2k Server (IIS

The trouble is when the application is requested from the WinXP
machine, it renders SPAN tag, while when the page is requested from
the Win2k machine it does not!

To explain it in more detail:

From Win2k server:
<input id="dgrTeamAuth__ctl2_chkAuthorized" type="checkbox"
name="dgrTeamAuth:_ctl2:chkAuthorized" checked="checked"
onclick="javascript:SyncTextBox(this);" />

From WinXP server:
<span onclick="javascript:SyncTextBox(this);"><input
id="dgrTeamAuth__ctl2_chkAuthorized" type="checkbox"
name="dgrTeamAuth:_ctl2:chkAuthorized" checked="checked" /></span>

Now the diference is in SPAN tag.

Due to this some JavaScript of the page is throwing error.

How can I ensure that the browser renders the same HTML each time,
atleast if the client PC remains the same?


First of all, you should not expect to have so much control over the
rendered HTML unless you are the one generating the HTML. Surely Microsoft
should be free to change the details of the HTML they render from time to

Secondly, I believe that this is exactly your problem - you are running two
different versions of the .NET Framework. Perhaps one machine is running 1.0
and the other machine is running 1.1.

As to a workaround, your JavaScript will have to adapt to the situation. If
it needs to manipulate the <input> element, it will have to search for it.
If "this" is the input element, it need not search. But if not, it should
search in the children of "this".

Surajit Laha

Hi John,

Thanks a LOT for your to-the-point comments!!!

You are absolutely right.

I am now modifying my JavaScript code to take care of this situation.

Thanks again.


-Surajit Laha

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