problem with losing control of a worksheet


P D Sterling

I am completely flabbergasted; I am editing a worksheet which is 1/5th
what it used to be - comparing two databases which are somewhat out of

If two lines match exactly, I delete them, if two lines exist but do not
match, I correct the database and delete them, and if there is an
orphan, I hide it, with the intent of going back to match them against
other databases.

Now I am getting a weird display, with different words in column A, am
unable to go below line 30, and am coming to the conclusion the
worksheet has been compromised. I just printed off a section for further
work, but it points to having to start this project all over again, and
I am not in the mood!

I rebooted the file, no difference, I rebooted the computer, no
difference. Can Excel itself get somehow corrupted and have to be
re-installed?? I really hate having to go in and having to re-customize
the program to my particular tastes. Can anybody relate to what I have


P D Sterling
Dallas TX

Dave Peterson

What do you mean when you write that you can't go below row 30?

Does this mean that the row numbers for 31:65536 have disappeared?

Or maybe you can't scroll past that row??

I betting that it's the second one and that someone applied window|freeze panes
when the data was filtered. Then when you unfiltered, the frozen pane was the
only part you could see.

If I'm right, you should be able to use:
Window|Unfreeze panes
and scroll as far as you want.

If it's the first guess, maybe the rows are hidden.
Edit|goto|type 31:65536 in that reference box and hit enter
then hit format|row|unhide
and see if the rows appear.

If neither of these helped, you may want to expand on what's happening.

P D Sterling

Do you know the meaning of Fat Fingers? I think somehow I made the
freeze pane - or whatever you call the header - have approx 30 rows - I
"reset" it instead of being 1 row. I apologize for taking up your time,
but I got so panicked that I couldn't think straight. Many grateful
thanks for posting


P D Sterling
Dallas TX

Dave Peterson

No apology needed.

Glad you got it working.
Do you know the meaning of Fat Fingers? I think somehow I made the
freeze pane - or whatever you call the header - have approx 30 rows - I
"reset" it instead of being 1 row. I apologize for taking up your time,
but I got so panicked that I couldn't think straight. Many grateful
thanks for posting


P D Sterling
Dallas TX

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