problem with logical operator



I have a value that contains flags that I must get using a bitmask. I tryied
with the && operator, but the compiler outputs this error :

Operator '&&' cannot be applied to operands of type 'int' and 'int'

The code is the following :

// MASKS.Insert = 2
if (_RightMask && (int)MASKS.Insert)
do something

I tried with and without the cast (int), but nothing works... Am I missing
something? it seems to be the right way of doing it but the compiler does
not allow it.




As Sergey says; use &.

& and | are the C# bitwise operators. They are also overloaded to be the C#
non-short-circuit logical operators. (&& and || are the short-circuit
logical operators.)

(In VB, "And" and "Or" are both the bitwise operators and non-short-circuit
logical operators, while "AndAlso" and "OrElse" are the short-circuit logical

David Anton
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