Problem with Hyperlink in GridView


Tor Inge Rislaa

When I insert the complete querystring into the NavigateUrl tag this
hyperlink works fine within the GridView.

<asp:HyperLinkField HeaderText=" Details"
NavigateUrl="~/Admindetail.aspx?ku_id=1" Text="Details"

If I try to let the parameter data be provided dynamically something strange
happen. I can see that the dynamical data is provided, with the right ku_id,
but the aspx file is removed from the URL

<asp:HyperLinkField DataNavigateUrlFields="ku_id" HeaderText="Details"
NavigateUrl="~/Admindetail.aspx?ku_id={0}" Text="Details" />

The first code gives something like

this works OK

The second code gives something like

Am I configuring it incorrect?


Mohamad Elarabi

the NavigateURL is only used when specifying the same link for all rows.
Text attribute is also static accreoss the board. If you want the link to
include a value from a data field you should use the DataNavigateURLField
with the DataNavigateURLFormatString. The same goes for DataTextField and
DataTextFormatString if you want the link text to also be dynamic. Your tag
should look something like this

HeaderText="View Detail"
DataTextFormatString="Details for Record {0}" />

Good luck,

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