problem with .end(xlUp).row



I have some code that in part searches for the a value found in a
combobox in column A. What I want is the search to find the first
occurance. Once found put the value from that row, column 8, in a
textbox. What I'm getting is NOT the first find, but the last
occurance, thus the value from column 8 of that row. Here's some of
the code:

Gtwy = Sheets("AirlineData").Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
myRw = 1
Do Until myRw = Gtwy
If ComboBox2.Value = Cells(myRw, 1) Then TextBox9.Value = Cells(myRw,

Any ideas on why I'm getting the last entry and not the first one?

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