
I hope someone can help me with this problem. I have posted a question
before but didn't understand the replies I got back....

I am having trouble with basing one combo box on another. I have got a
table holding all my product info i.e. product name, unit price, product code

I have also got a table listing my catagories i.e. fixed camera, monitor,
bracket etc.

When i add a new quote/record I want to be able to select a category from
the categories combo box. Once I have selected the category i.e. monitors
then I want to the next combo box to filter down and show only monitors (I
can get up to this point okay).

Once I select the relevant monitor I want it to pull through all the info
from the products table i.e. price, product code etc. - This is the bit I am
having trouble with. I don't know how do this bit.

Has anyone got any ideas???



Your second combobox should have the product code (assuming alpha numeric) as
the bound hidden column along with the types of monitors that are displayed.
You can then have text boxes on your form with control sources similar to this

=DLookUp("Price","Product Info","Product Code = '" & ComboBox2.Column(0) &


Thanks Dennis.

I am going to have to look at doing this another way as I want to be able to
view the form in datasheet view and this doesn't seem possible to do.

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