problem with "average" function



I tried to find out the mean of a set of numbers by using the "average"
function. But I got a zero as the result of averaging those numbers when I
know for a fact the mean should not be zero. I found the old post below and
did what was suggested thereof, but that did not fix the problem. Does
anyone know what is going on? Thanks.

Your numbers are text. Format the cells for general, then enter a 1 into a
blank cell. Copy that
cell, select your cells with your text-numbers, right-click and select paste
special, and choose
multiply. Then click OK, and all your values should become numbers.

Harald Staff

Do they add and sum, is it only Average that doesn't work ?

Best wishes Harald


I just tried "sum" - it appears that "sum" is malfunctioning too. What i did
was i inserted "sum" and then selected three numbers: 0.5, 0.5, 0.5. After i
hitted "enter", the result came out as 2, rather than the correct answer of
1.5. I tried a couple of other numbers, similar problem occurred.

by the way, i have office 2007 in my computer, but i tried both the 2007 and
the old 2003 format, and got the same problem.


Harald Staff

2 may well be 1.5 formatted to display zero decimals. Or..
Serious miscalculations are almost always caused by circular references. See
bottom left if there's a warning about it there.

Best wishes Harald


jxk --

Another possibility besides formatting or a circular reference. Have you
hidden any rows/columns that would throw things off?

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