Problem w/formula referencing another sheet



I have a workbook where 1 sheet needs to reference another. The cell has a
rather tedious formula as follows:

=IF('152-Attendance & Violations'!D6=0,0,IF(AND('152-Attendance &
Violations'!D6<1,'152-Attendance & Violations'!D6>0,'152-Attendance &
Violations'!D61=3),100-25,IF(AND('152-Attendance &
Violations'!D6<1,'152-Attendance & Violations'!D6>0,'152-Attendance &
Violations'!D61=4),100-25,IF(AND('152-Attendance &
Violations'!D6<1,'152-Attendance & Violations'!D6>0,'152-Attendance &
Violations'!D61>=5),100-50,IF('152-Attendance & Violations'!T6="X",0,100)))))

Here is the problem. I then copy this sheet for a new class in the same
workbook, but this class is 153. I would like to think that all I would have
to do is change the 152 in the formula above to 153 and all would be well.
However, when I do that and hit enter I am prompted with an "update vaulues"
pop up asking me where I want to save this "update." Why won't it just let
me change the formula and move on? If this is the process I need to follow,
do I save the "update" with the name of the workbook I am in? THANKS!


I FIGURED IT OUT! Have to remember the basics. One simple space in the name
of the SHEET that was overlooked in the FORMULA was what caused the problem.

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