problem using WinNT provider and GetObject- PLEASE HELP



single ASP page running on IIS 5 on a Native Windows 2000 AD:

<%Set usr = GetObject("WinNT://LONGWOOD/duffeyba,user")%>

(the IIS machine is a member server)

The page is running as the user 'duffeyba'.

I am getting this result:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0046'
Permission denied: 'GetObject'

/cyphir/auth/test4.asp, line 1

This code works fine our our test domain, but fails on our production
domain. I can't see what the problem is.

Any ideas appreciated.


Authenticated ASP page:

strNTName = "samh"
Set oUser = GetObject("WinNT://LONGWOOD/" & strNTName)

error '80070035'

Works on one domain, not on the 2nd.

Any ideas?


Egbert Nierop \(MVP for IIS\)

Is this code running for the **current** user or for another? If the latter,
the permission denied is logical.

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