Problem (SP2 ??) on shutdown


Barry Watzman

Ever since installing SP2, while shutting down [otherwise apparently
normally], my computer makes a "ding" sound while also playing the
shutdown theme.

Now, checking event viewer, I find that there is a "warning level" error
occuring during each shutdown. I'm sure it the cause of the "ding".

The message in event viewer is:


Windows saved user {username} registry while an application or service
was still using the registry during log off. The memory used by the
user's registry has not been freed. The registry will be unloaded when
it is no longer in use.

This is often caused by services running as a user account, try
configuring the services to run in either the LocalService or
NetworkService account.


The program causing this is apparently Userenv.

Anyone know more specifically what's happening, or what the fix is?

Everything else is working just great.



It's a fairly common problem associated with closing/writing out
the users registry hive. Microsoft has an add-on service that will
prevent this from occurring, called User Profile Hive Cleanup.
You can download from here:
I found this was due to alg.exe, which is active when the windows
firewall is used.
I understand the third party tool mentioned above works, but seems
like a cop out on Microsoft's part. Surely they shuld fix



Barry -
Where is it in Event Viewer that you find this message?
My Event Viewer shows nothing this detailed.
tnk - Geo

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