PROBLEM SOLVED! Win Explorer-Right Click Error



My Problem: "When I right click on a sub-directory in Windows Explorer I get the error message that explorer has encountered an error and has to quit ... does anyone have any suggestions on how to fix this. It just started doing this recently but I don't know what caused it.

This problem has just about driven me crazy but a few minutes ago I finally
discovered what was causing it! I uninstalled Spy Sweeper & the right click
in Windows Explorer works fine now!! Hope this helps everyone else having
this problem! Good Luck!
Eva (EJ)

Ramesh [MVP]

Eva, Most likely a context menu handler was causing this. Did Spy Sweeper add a option in the right-click menu?

Ramesh - Microsoft MVP
Windows XP Shell/User

The Parasite Fight:

My Problem: "When I right click on a sub-directory in Windows Explorer I get the error message that explorer has encountered an error and has to quit ... does anyone have any suggestions on how to fix this. It just started doing this recently but I don't know what caused it.

This problem has just about driven me crazy but a few minutes ago I finally
discovered what was causing it! I uninstalled Spy Sweeper & the right click
in Windows Explorer works fine now!! Hope this helps everyone else having
this problem! Good Luck!
Eva (EJ)


I never really noticed that it added anything, but I'm sure it did because I have since reloaded Spy Sweeper and the problem also goes away after going into Spy Sweeper Options and unchecking the "Add Sweep for Spywear to Windows Explorer Context Menu" box. I believe that this is only a problem with version 3.0 of Spy Sweeper.

Ramesh [MVP]

Yup. Problems of this sort are always caused by the CMHandlers. That's the first thing to check whenever you have a problem with right-click (slow, crash) etc.

Ramesh - Microsoft MVP
Windows XP Shell/User

The Parasite Fight:

Outlook Express: Getting News from Newsgroups:

I never really noticed that it added anything, but I'm sure it did because I have since reloaded Spy Sweeper and the problem also goes away after going into Spy Sweeper Options and unchecking the "Add Sweep for Spywear to Windows Explorer Context Menu" box. I believe that this is only a problem with version 3.0 of Spy Sweeper.

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