Problem opening Word document - very odd!



I received a Word doc (an application form for a job) by e-mail from a
trusted source. Opens fine on two other computers (one with WinXP/Word2003
the other WinXP/Word2000) - seems to be made up of a series of text boxes,
one for each 'box' on the 3-page form).

However, opening on my laptop (WinXP/Word2003) - whether from an e-mailed
copy, or direct over the network - opens the file as a 163 page document that
contains sporadic (unreadable) jumbles of text!!!

I've tried opening it with Wordpad too, but to no avail.

Help, please!


Richard here again...

As a follow-up, I've tried viewing the document in various ' viewing modes':
- In NORMAL mode, I get the logo towards the top, then a whole series of
horizontal dotted lines, with two of the words from the form at intervals
spaced out in a 'grid' format.
- In WEB LAYOUT mode, I get most of the text boxes and container text in
more-or-less the right places.
- In PRINT LAYOUT it becomes 158 (rather than 3) pages, with virtually no
content at all!
- READING LAYOUT takes a long time to generate and when it does, much of the
text and the boxes are there, but not quite right...
- OUTLINE Produces the same as NORMAL, but with tiny boxes instead of the
dotted lines.

Hope that helps!

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