Problem opening an XML file in Excel - getting "ns1:macrosPresent"



I have Excel Professional 2003 (11.6113.5703) which has an XML conversion
function but am not able to successfully open an XML document.

I am working on a source file which was sucessfully opened by another part
who also has Excel professional 2003.

We both went through the same process, but she did not get the "Microsoft
Office encountered errors when importing the following files" but I did. Her
Excel file formats correctly using the XML tags as column headers, my file
does not.

Here is how I opened the file:
Opened as XML list, OK. Then a message, "The specified XML source does not refer to a schema. Excel will create a schema based on the XML source data." Clicked OK.
Got an XML import error: "Microsoft Office encountered errors when importing the following files (2 rows listed as follows): Source - D:\XML version.xml, Error- some data was imported as text, Import status - complete Source - D:\XML version.xml, Error- some data was imported as text, Import status - complete." Clicked OK.

Instead of getting the columns as needed:
LName FName SIN Addr HomePh DOB ProcId ProcVer Asked ScoreDate, etc.

I get the following types of columns:
ns1:macrosPresent ns1:embeddedObjPresent ns1:blush:cxPresent ns4:space ns3:namespaceuri ns3:name ns3:Title ns3:Author ns3:LastAuthor ns3:Revision ns3:TotalTime ns3:Created ns3:LastSaved ns3:pages ns3:Words ns3:Characters

These are not even tags I have in the source document. Please advise.

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