Problem of executing the code in Access



Private Sub Lot_No_AfterUpdate()

'declare variables
Dim dbObject As Connection
Dim rst As Recordset

'set database
Set dbObject = CurrentProject.Connection

'set recordset
Set rst = dbObject.Execute _
("SELECT Lot_No FROM tlbReceiving " & _
"= " & Me![Lot_No])

With rst
Me![Rcv Date] = ![Rcv Date]
Me![Item No] = ![Item No]
End With
End Sub

But it prompt ".Execute" has problem. Would you help me thanks.

Van T. Dinh

The problem is in the SQL String. The construction will result in

SELECT Lot_No FROM tlbReceiving = {value of Me![Lot_No]}

which is an invalid SQL since there is no left operand for the criterion.


is it changed to this?

Set rst = dbObject.Execute(SELECT Lot_No FROM tlbReceiving = Me![Lot_No])

But it still prompt me error. pls help me again. do i need change Private to
Public too?

Van T. Dinh said:
The problem is in the SQL String. The construction will result in

SELECT Lot_No FROM tlbReceiving = {value of Me![Lot_No]}

which is an invalid SQL since there is no left operand for the criterion.

Van T. Dinh
MVP (Access)

Alan48 said:
Private Sub Lot_No_AfterUpdate()

'declare variables
Dim dbObject As Connection
Dim rst As Recordset

'set database
Set dbObject = CurrentProject.Connection

'set recordset
Set rst = dbObject.Execute _
("SELECT Lot_No FROM tlbReceiving " & _
"= " & Me![Lot_No])

With rst
Me![Rcv Date] = ![Rcv Date]
Me![Item No] = ![Item No]
End With
End Sub

But it prompt ".Execute" has problem. Would you help me thanks.


I have changed to
dbObject.Execute("SELECT Lot_No FROM tlbReceiving = Me![Lot_No]")
and the SQL String is ok? Right?

But it still prompt ".Execute" sau complied error: must variable. And here
is changed to yellow color "Private Sub Lot_No_AfterUpdate()", and ".Execute"
change to red color. Thank you very much. Pls help me

Van T. Dinh said:
The problem is in the SQL String. The construction will result in

SELECT Lot_No FROM tlbReceiving = {value of Me![Lot_No]}

which is an invalid SQL since there is no left operand for the criterion.

Van T. Dinh
MVP (Access)

Alan48 said:
Private Sub Lot_No_AfterUpdate()

'declare variables
Dim dbObject As Connection
Dim rst As Recordset

'set database
Set dbObject = CurrentProject.Connection

'set recordset
Set rst = dbObject.Execute _
("SELECT Lot_No FROM tlbReceiving " & _
"= " & Me![Lot_No])

With rst
Me![Rcv Date] = ![Rcv Date]
Me![Item No] = ![Item No]
End With
End Sub

But it prompt ".Execute" has problem. Would you help me thanks.

David C. Holley

The SQL statement is invalid. If you're selecting records based on a
criteria you'll a need a statement similar to

"SELECT Lot_No From tlbReceiving WHERE Lot_No = 34;"
or using a form field
"SELECT Lot_No From tlbReceiving WHERE Lot_No = " & Me![Lot_no] & ";"

Also, what are you trying to accomplish? If you're trying to load form
fields with values from the recordset, I would suggest using DLookup()'s.

Van T. Dinh

Your criteria is constructed incorrectly.

Normally, an SQL String has 3 distinct clauses like:

SELECT {Selection list}
FROM {Table list}
WHERE {criteria}

Criteria clause can be an single Boolean expression like:

Field1 = 1

or a combined Boolean Expression like:

(Field1 = 1) And (Field2 = 2)

In your case, you joined the FROM Clause and the WHERE clause togenther
omitting the keyword WHERE. Note that the Table is an object and it doesn't
have a value so you *can't* compare it with a value.


I think the problem is a little more fundamental than that. Isn't the Execute
method only for action queries? He's trying to execute a Select query.

Van T. Dinh

The Execute Method of an ADO Connection can use a SELECT Query to return a
ADO Recordset.

It is described in Access VB (ADO) Help.


The Execute Method of an ADO Connection can use a SELECT Query to return a
ADO Recordset.

It is described in Access VB (ADO) Help.

Ah yes, I see:
"If the CommandText argument specifies a row-returning query, any results that
the execution generates are stored in a new Recordset object."

I haven't used ADO in a long time so I'm kind of DAO-centric these days. (daze?)

Thanks for straightening me out,

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