problem msn6.1 video



i upgrade my msn to 6.1 immeditaly i have the problem with the camera . i can see other people but my camera doesn't work
i went to camera seeting tools--> web camera seeting and it gives me the message :"you cannot change your camera seeting because either your camera not plugged in to your computer or you are using it in a video conversation or with another program "
i have tryied to reload the msn6.1 it did not help, audio confrence is ok
i install directx 9.0b from microsoft ??? mybe somehow this is the problem ???
i ran dxdiag all ok . my win is XP Sp1 with hot fix Sp2
when i am using a video confrence it works fine .... it seems
it seems that something happend in the bounding of the camera and the software
when i am using the camera software it is fine - PC-Camera (6029) i can do all think

need help !!!!! please !!!!


why DOES NO BODDY REPLAY FROM THE MESSENGER TEAM ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

WHY ?????????????????????

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