Problem in Outlook after installing XP Professional


Mr Bill

I installed XP Professional and when starting Outlook I
get the following error message 6 or 7 times. "Procedure
entry point GetIUMS could not be located in the dynamic
link library MSDART.DLL". After these are passed
everything seems to work OK, but the messages resurface
every time I start Outlook. Any suggestion what is
causing the problem? Thanks for you help!!!

Brian Tillman

Mr Bill said:
I installed XP Professional and when starting Outlook I
get the following error message 6 or 7 times. "Procedure
entry point GetIUMS could not be located in the dynamic
link library MSDART.DLL". After these are passed
everything seems to work OK, but the messages resurface
every time I start Outlook. Any suggestion what is
causing the problem? Thanks for you help!!!

Asked and answered many times. Search this group for MSDART and you'll see
the answers.

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