Problem Emptying Recycle Bin



I have not received a follow-up response to my earlier message and am
hoping a new message will get me some suggestions. Any help is greatly

Thanks for the response. I did what you suggested. Tried a delete and
got the same error message. I rebooted, just in case ... and still had
the same problem.

Replace/Repair the Recycle Bin (Line 64)


Wesley Vogel

You probably have a damaged/corrupted file in the Recycle Bin.

Run Error Checking | Reboot | Try to empty the Recycle Bin again.

1. In My Computer or Windows Explorer, right-click the volume you want to
check, and then click Properties.
2. On the Tools tab, click Check Now.
3. Do one of the following:

o To run Chkdsk by using the /f parameter, select the Automatically fix file
system errors check box, and then click Start.
[[Specifies whether Windows repairs file-system errors found during disk
checking. All files must be closed for this program to run. If the drive is
currently in use, a message asks if you want to reschedule
the disk checking for the next time you restart your computer. Your drive is
not available to run other tasks while the disk is being checked.]]

o To run Chkdsk by using the /r parameter, select the Scan for and attempt
recovery of bad sectors check box, and then click Start.
[[Specifies whether Windows repairs file-system errors found during disk
checking, locates bad sectors, and recovers readable information. All files
must be closed for this program to run. If the drive is currently in use, a
message asks if you want to reschedule the disk checking for the next time
you restart your computer. Your drive is not available to run other tasks
while the disk is being checked. If you select this option, you do not need
to select Automatically fix file system errors. Windows fixes any errors on
the disk.]]

You have to reboot for Error-checking to run.

For a peek at the chkdisk log.
Start | Run | Type: eventvwr | OK
Look in Application | Listed as Information
under Winlogon, Event 1001

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User

SuzieQ said:
I have not received a follow-up response to my earlier message and am
hoping a new message will get me some suggestions. Any help is greatly

Thanks for the response. I did what you suggested. Tried a delete and
got the same error message. I rebooted, just in case ... and still had
the same problem.

Replace/Repair the Recycle Bin (Line 64)


This is just a minor irritant, since I've been living with it close to
a year, but I'm curious ....

When I hit Empty Recycle Bin, I get the error message: "Cannot remove
folder Owner: Access is denied." I hit "OK" (there is no other option)
and the Bin is emptied just fine with nothing (visible) remaining.

Of course I don't have a folder labeled "Owner" in my Bin.

Any ideas on how to clear this small irritant up?


Ran Error Checking several times ... including the necessary reboots,
but I still have the problem. Any other suggestions?

You probably have a damaged/corrupted file in the Recycle Bin.

Run Error Checking | Reboot | Try to empty the Recycle Bin again.

1. In My Computer or Windows Explorer, right-click the volume you want to
check, and then click Properties.
2. On the Tools tab, click Check Now.
3. Do one of the following:

o To run Chkdsk by using the /f parameter, select the Automatically fix file
system errors check box, and then click Start.
[[Specifies whether Windows repairs file-system errors found during disk
checking. All files must be closed for this program to run. If the drive is
currently in use, a message asks if you want to reschedule
the disk checking for the next time you restart your computer. Your drive is
not available to run other tasks while the disk is being checked.]]

o To run Chkdsk by using the /r parameter, select the Scan for and attempt
recovery of bad sectors check box, and then click Start.
[[Specifies whether Windows repairs file-system errors found during disk
checking, locates bad sectors, and recovers readable information. All files
must be closed for this program to run. If the drive is currently in use, a
message asks if you want to reschedule the disk checking for the next time
you restart your computer. Your drive is not available to run other tasks
while the disk is being checked. If you select this option, you do not need
to select Automatically fix file system errors. Windows fixes any errors on
the disk.]]

You have to reboot for Error-checking to run.

For a peek at the chkdisk log.
Start | Run | Type: eventvwr | OK
Look in Application | Listed as Information
under Winlogon, Event 1001

I have not received a follow-up response to my earlier message and am
hoping a new message will get me some suggestions. Any help is greatly

Thanks for the response. I did what you suggested. Tried a delete and
got the same error message. I rebooted, just in case ... and still had
the same problem.

Replace/Repair the Recycle Bin (Line 64)


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