problem debugging IE6 crashes on fresh install of XP



IE6 can simply close its window and exit without an error message being
written to the event log. Other times I get event id 1000 followed by 1001.
It occurs randomly but only when a windows is opened ie: I click on a url.
Some sites are much worse than others. If I exit from our network domain
and log in locally I do not seem to see the problem. Or at least I didnt
see the problem before I got put back on the domain.

When in the domain we have McAfee policy orchistrator plus other crap our
domain admin wants running. Two other computers both running XP but not on
the domain dont have this problem. The problem started occuring last week
when I had Win2k on this system. I replaced it this weekend.

I turned off all 3rd party addons: ebay (2), adobe(1), techsmith snagit(2),
windows messenger(1), research(1). ie: all addins are off. I disabled
hurestics in McAfee. I even got rid of jscript.dll from system32 and the
dllcache but somehow it got re-created. In any event, while it was gone
(not sure how long) I still had these problems. Sometimes IE6 (I have all
the latest updates and patches from microsoft) just quits and disappears.
Other times, like right now, I get that "Send Error Report" This time I see
ntdll.dll for the name of the module, other times I see jscript.dll.

I downloaded firefox 1.5 (latest) and I do not have any problem. Going to
the same site, and poking around causes no problems. I
am not plugging drudgereport or firefox.

After clicking on "send error" I occassionally get "Ths instruction at
0x7470b439 referenced memory at (same) click ok to terminate.

I rarely use firefix and am not plugging it. Just brought it up to see if I
could duplicate the problem. Cant. Seems the problem, whatever it is, is
not present when firefox handles the site(s).

Under "Additional troubleshooting" at that microsoft error message I see
Step 3: Perform a Full Service Scan using Windows Live Safety Center
what is that?

Also, this is a fresh install of Windows XP. I was having the *SAME*
problem on Win2k and got another disk drive and installed XP this weekend.
I also put in all the 3rd party addons and got back on on the domain like I
am supposed to here where I work. I think there is a problem with the
policy set by our domain admin but I need to prove it. This error seems
random and is not always repeatable. It definately does not occur with
firefox no matter how many times I click on the same urls that usually cause
the problem on IE6. If I bring backup up IE6 withing 5-6 clicks poking
around drudgereport either I get that error message or IE just closes
quicker than you can blink.

I dont think this problem happens when I am loggin in locally but I did not
have that up very long before I got re-attached to the domain. Also, when I
did get on the domain I had Office 2003 re-installed along with all updates
and then had Visual Studio .net 2003 (not 2005) installed. VS 2003 change
my group class from Administrator to Debugger and I changed it back to
Administrator. Not sure if that is a problem. On another XP system with
VS.NET 2005 I was left as administrator not "debugger" after installation
and there is no problem.

I am just guessing at to what is going wrong. McAfee lastest shows no virus
on a full scan of \windows and \progra~1\common~1 where one might find

Rob ^_^

Hi Beemer,

When you use the Add-In manager to disable your toolbars you must disable
the Browser Helper files for each toolbar too.
The easiest way to do this is
First - re-enable all your add-in toolbars (except perhaps the Yahoo
companion which has some issues with IE)

Then on the advanced tab of Internet Opions uncheck "enable third-party
browser helpers". This will stop all toolbars and BHOs loading with IE.

I think your problem is to do with orphaned toolbar BHO's.. The toolbars
aren't loaded but the satelite BHO (Yahoo has one for its toolbar) are and
so the toolbar and BHO can't talk to each other and an error occurs.


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