Problem changing Cursor property in a ListView control



I would to display a Cursors.WaitCursor on a ListView control, so I tried

listView.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor

but it doesn't work at all, I see always the default cursor. The same thing happens if I set the WaitCursor in the properties window. The strange thing is that with other controls, like buttons or the treeview, it does work. The only control for which I can't change the cursor is the ListView: it does not work even if I set the current cursor property with the line

Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor

Any ideas? Is it a bug of the ListView control? Must I set some other properties of the ListView control to change the cursor

Best regards



based on this link , it is a known bug.



-----Original Message-----
I would to display a Cursors.WaitCursor on a ListView control, so I tried:

listView.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;

but it doesn't work at all, I see always the default
cursor. The same thing happens if I set the WaitCursor in
the properties window. The strange thing is that with
other controls, like buttons or the treeview, it does
work. The only control for which I can't change the
cursor is the ListView: it does not work even if I set
the current cursor property with the line:
Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;

Any ideas? Is it a bug of the ListView control? Must I
set some other properties of the ListView control to
change the cursor?

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