problem adding



I am having a problem with adding a column of time values.

Column e has the time called out and is formated as Time 13:00.
Column f has the time in and is formated as Time 13:00.
Column g adds the total time which has a formula of -

Then I have Column g adding up to give me a total of time. It i
formated as Number. The formula is g=sum(g8:g26)*24

This all works great as long as there is actual time entered. Howeve
when the cells in e & f as blank it still enters a total as it i
taking it as 0:00 which it is counting it as 24:00.

Can anyone tell me how to get around this problem? I would like t
display the total as 0 if there are no times entered. My spread shee
has 20 rows in which I can enter information if needed otherwise the
sit blank....



You are wrong, it is your formula in G that creates this error, if the time
fields are empty your formula returns 1 which is the same as 24 hours, change
the formula in G to (I am using your example in G10)


or if I misunderstood you


that is regardless if the end time technically is less than the start time,
another way which maybe makes more sense


having said that I find it odd that you use E as end time and F as start time
I would say 99% of excel users would put IN in E and END in F

regardless, if I misunderstood just reverse the cells but these formulas
will work


Peo Sjoblom

JE McGimpsey

One way, if I understand you correctly:

G10: =IF(COUNT(E10:F10)<2,0,MOD(F10-E10,1))
Gtot: =IF(COUNT(G8:G26)>0,SUM(G8:G26)*24,"")

Format G8:G26 as time.
Format Gtot with Format/Cells/Number/Custom [h]:mm

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