Probelem with start menu and tsk manager



Ive been having a porblem that when i click on start menu programs jsut
rapidly select themselves and open with me hitting enter or moving the mouse
also tsk manager doesnt work with ctrl alt del anymore it only works when i
hit AltGr instead of just Alt ive done a full scan and found nothing anybody
able to help


since i posted this ive found its the Ctlrkey on the left that seesm to be
the problem and not the alt key also ive found this key stops the problem
till next startup right clicking on toolbar to clsoe programs ont work cause
the drop down menus when i right click open and close rapidly and when used
to select a fiel will open it hundreds of time the shoe hidden icons button
in the notifcation area when clicke don will jsut openn and clsoe rapidly


Keyboards are cheap, maybe 10 bucks. If you want to try cleaning it, turn it
over and 'burb' it real hard, then shake it around. It may dislodge the dirt
in the ctrl key.

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