Private Sub - Called from Userform



I am trying to make all my subs private to minimize confusion for
others using my excel spreadsheet.

All of my subs/macro are on Module1, including a public sub called

On my Userform code, if the user presses a certain button it calls sub

The problem though is if I make Sub ItemDataInput "Private", it
doesn't work.

Any way to work around this? Or do I have to just have a visible/
public sub? (This isn't the end of the world, could just have it be
public, but figured to ask :))

Thankx, NP

Bob Phillips

Keep the subs public, and add the statement

Option Private Module

to the start of Module1. This will make all procedures in Module1 public to
that project, but not to others, and they will not show in the macro list.


Excellent. Works like a charm. Now all those confusing sub routines
are all hidden gems for the weary to work their way through if they so
choose to, hehe.

Thanks for the tip, I was wondering what the point of the "Option
Explicit" was whenever you opened up a module using record macro.

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