printing phone #s



Very new user - question. Printing addresses and phone#s from a table . I
have setup proper mask to input phone #s, and they display properly as (111)
111-1111on my tables, queries and reports. But when I create a label through
the label wizard, prints as 1111111111. How can I correct this? Thanks for
any and all help and solutions. SJR


Set your input mask on the table field as


To use this (masked) data in a report ensure that when createing the report
you use the "View" menu then the "View Fields" option to bring in the field
in the same format into your report. If you already have a report simply
delete that field from it then use the "View - View Fields" menu to bring it
back in to get rid of any errors.

Hope this helps

sjrsld via

Wayne, Thanks for the info but I think I am still doing something wrong. I
setup the orignal tabel with the input mask of !\(999")"000\-0000 for
several fields of phone #s in each record. Everyting displays properly in
queries, reports, etc. as (222) 222-2222. It is only when I do the Label
wizard that it comes out 2222222222.
I changed the TABLE to the input mask that you sugg., and then redid a new
label , but it didn't help, the labels came out the same, and I am not that
knowledgeable to be able to create a label from scratch with out the wizard.
Is there some sort of template I can download from this site? If you could
just point me in the right direction I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks
again sjr

sjrsld via

Wayne --
I got it -- Thanks for responding to this message -- SJR
Wayne, Thanks for the info but I think I am still doing something wrong. I
setup the orignal tabel with the input mask of !\(999")"000\-0000 for
several fields of phone #s in each record. Everyting displays properly in
queries, reports, etc. as (222) 222-2222. It is only when I do the Label
wizard that it comes out 2222222222.
I changed the TABLE to the input mask that you sugg., and then redid a new
label , but it didn't help, the labels came out the same, and I am not that
knowledgeable to be able to create a label from scratch with out the wizard.
Is there some sort of template I can download from this site? If you could
just point me in the right direction I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks
again sjr
Set your input mask on the table field as
[quoted text clipped - 12 lines]

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