Printer issues with Reports



I have Access running on a Windows 2003 network. Developers create databases
and share them on the network. The problem I am currently having is that one
of my developers when creating a report the printing option defaults to her
default printer. When a users runs the report and trys to use the print
button from the toolbar it displays the developers default printer even
though they do not have access to that printer. If the users chooses the
File-Print option then only their allow printers show (which is what we
want), its just when they try to use the toolbar printer when it displays the
developers printer. Is there a setting in Access that can be changes so the
print option for reports is set to use system default and not the creator's
default settings at the time the report is created? I have found a option to
change this after the fact (in page setup of each report) but there is many
databases and many reports that will need to be manually changed. If we can
find a setting so that future reports that are created use the system default
that would be WONDERFUL!!
Any help would be most appreciated.

Michael J. Strickland

Not sure what you want but it seems like you need to change the report's
printer on the
developer's computer to the default printer instead of the one selected.

Albert D.Kallal

All that is needed here is that the developer simply needs to NOT set a
particular printer in the file->page setup ("page" tab).
When a users runs the report and trys to use the print
button from the toolbar it displays the developers default printer even
though they do not have access to that printer.

Hum, something is not right here. If the original developer simply uses
their default printer, and in the file->page setup during report design they
DO NOT SELECT THE "Use Specific printer", then your above problem should not

So, a few things:
First, if you are using access 2000, then you need to ensure the
updates, and bug fixes to the MANY problems are installed. A good number of
these problems fixed revolve around the printer not remembering correct

In addition to the above, for multi-user use, you need to split your
database. The problem is that often a one person will open a report, and may
wind up saving the printer settings. As each user opens the database, then
you can get all kinds of problems and settings changed from user to user.
The proper solution is to thus split your database. You can read about this

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