printer driver not installed. Access denied.


Dave Baker

This is a new Dell system, it has no printers installed.
If you try to add any printer, either from a disk or from
the listed printers. You get an error that
states "Printer driver not installed. Access denied."
The first printer that was attempted to install is a
Brother HL 1440. We tried to install from the supplied
disk with an automatic software install, and I got his
message. "You do not have permission to modify settings
for this printer" and it would not complete the install.
I checked and made sure the user acct. I was using had
administrative rights. I also logged off and back on as
the Administrator, and still get the same results. This
is a new one on me. Any ideas?


Try searching for "printui.dll" and if you find it, make
sure you put it in your system32 folder. Sometimes this
gets "overwritten" during installation of programs.
Printers should now begin to show up in your printer list.


the file printui.dll is located in the right folder. please provide a copy of the dll if mine is corrupted.

is there any other reasons as to why "access is denied"? i noticed that this is a common problem with many XP users. are there are fixes available?

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