PrintDialog/PageOrientation BUG ?




Is there a BUG in the printdialog ? When I create a PrintDialog ans set the "DefaultPageSettings.Landscape" property to "false" and then display the dialog, select "Landscape" and click OK, the value of the "DefaultPageSettings.Landscape" is still false !!??

Code Exemple :

PrintDialog PDialog = new PrintDialog();
PDialog.PrinterSettings = new System.Drawing.Printing.PrinterSettings();
// The dialog show "Portrait" Selected, if you select "Landscape" and click OK
// the value in the "DefaultPageSettings" is still Landscape=false !!??

Any Bug in/con-firmation and solution to make it work will be appreciated




mmmm....No reply to a so simple question with a clear code example mean : "Yes There is a Bug in the PrintDialog"... And the workaround is : "There is no workaround... no source code so you can't correct it yourself... If you are Lucky it will maybe corrected in the next version. please buy it."

Thank-you steph for your self-reply, you can now stop to try to make it work because it's impossible. Sure, you can add a PageSetupDialog to do this, your end-users will be happy to spend their days clicking on various dialogs and to remember that, contrary to all other softwares, they can't use the Page Orientation of the common PrintDialog in your new software. And since end users are expert in computer and software they will understand and never foguet that "special feature" and you wont have thousand of calls a day to ask you "How can I print in Landscae ? I choose Landscape but it doesn't work."

Anyway, have a good day telling your boss that he have to buy the next VS .Net to HOPE to have things working correctly..



Is there a BUG in the printdialog ? When I create a PrintDialog ans set the "DefaultPageSettings.Landscape" property to "false" and then display the dialog, select "Landscape" and click OK, the value of the "DefaultPageSettings.Landscape" is still false !!??

Code Exemple :

PrintDialog PDialog = new PrintDialog();
PDialog.PrinterSettings = new System.Drawing.Printing.PrinterSettings();
// The dialog show "Portrait" Selected, if you select "Landscape" and click OK
// the value in the "DefaultPageSettings" is still Landscape=false !!??

Any Bug in/con-firmation and solution to make it work will be appreciated



Ron Allen

That's the way my test worked here with Framework 1.1. I haven't put
the new service pack in yet as some people are reporting problems with
security settings with working applications after this. The service pack
may fix it though.
I was out all day yesterday so didn't reply. You may get better
response on printing issues in microsoft.public.dotnet.framework.drawing

Ron Allen
mmmm....No reply to a so simple question with a clear code example mean :
"Yes There is a Bug in the PrintDialog"... And the workaround is : "There is
no workaround... no source code so you can't correct it yourself... If you
are Lucky it will maybe corrected in the next version. please buy it."

Thank-you steph for your self-reply, you can now stop to try to make it work
because it's impossible. Sure, you can add a PageSetupDialog to do this,
your end-users will be happy to spend their days clicking on various dialogs
and to remember that, contrary to all other softwares, they can't use the
Page Orientation of the common PrintDialog in your new software. And since
end users are expert in computer and software they will understand and never
foguet that "special feature" and you wont have thousand of calls a day to
ask you "How can I print in Landscae ? I choose Landscape but it doesn't

Anyway, have a good day telling your boss that he have to buy the next VS
..Net to HOPE to have things working correctly..


Is there a BUG in the printdialog ? When I create a PrintDialog ans
set the "DefaultPageSettings.Landscape" property to "false" and then display
the dialog, select "Landscape" and click OK, the value of the
"DefaultPageSettings.Landscape" is still false !!??
Code Exemple :
PrintDialog PDialog = new PrintDialog();
PDialog.PrinterSettings = new System.Drawing.Printing.PrinterSettings();
// The dialog show "Portrait" Selected, if you select "Landscape" and click
// the value in the "DefaultPageSettings" is still Landscape=false !!??

Any Bug in/con-firmation and solution to make it work will be appreciated



Ron Allen

I forgot to do the obvious test on mine as I didn't set the object I
passed back. On framework 1.1 looking at the
PDialog.PrinterSettings.DefaultPageSettings.Landscape.ToString()) on
framework 1.1 shows true after I change the settings if I don't set
Landscape to false ahead of time. It shows False if I set the value before
calling the PrintDialog.

Ron Allen

mmmm....No reply to a so simple question with a clear code example mean :
"Yes There is a Bug in the PrintDialog"... And the workaround is : "There is
no workaround... no source code so you can't correct it yourself... If you
are Lucky it will maybe corrected in the next version. please buy it."

Thank-you steph for your self-reply, you can now stop to try to make it work
because it's impossible. Sure, you can add a PageSetupDialog to do this,
your end-users will be happy to spend their days clicking on various dialogs
and to remember that, contrary to all other softwares, they can't use the
Page Orientation of the common PrintDialog in your new software. And since
end users are expert in computer and software they will understand and never
foguet that "special feature" and you wont have thousand of calls a day to
ask you "How can I print in Landscae ? I choose Landscape but it doesn't

Anyway, have a good day telling your boss that he have to buy the next VS
..Net to HOPE to have things working correctly..


Is there a BUG in the printdialog ? When I create a PrintDialog ans
set the "DefaultPageSettings.Landscape" property to "false" and then display
the dialog, select "Landscape" and click OK, the value of the
"DefaultPageSettings.Landscape" is still false !!??
Code Exemple :
PrintDialog PDialog = new PrintDialog();
PDialog.PrinterSettings = new System.Drawing.Printing.PrinterSettings();
// The dialog show "Portrait" Selected, if you select "Landscape" and click
// the value in the "DefaultPageSettings" is still Landscape=false !!??

Any Bug in/con-firmation and solution to make it work will be appreciated



Richard Blewett [DevelopMentor]

I get the same on 1.1 SP1


Richard Blewett - DevelopMentor

nntp://<[email protected]>

That's the way my test worked here with Framework 1.1. I haven't put
the new service pack in yet as some people are reporting problems with
security settings with working applications after this. The service pack
may fix it though.
I was out all day yesterday so didn't reply. You may get better
response on printing issues in microsoft.public.dotnet.framework.drawing

Ron Allen
mmmm....No reply to a so simple question with a clear code example mean :
"Yes There is a Bug in the PrintDialog"... And the workaround is : "There is
no workaround... no source code so you can't correct it yourself... If you
are Lucky it will maybe corrected in the next version. please buy it."

Thank-you steph for your self-reply, you can now stop to try to make it work
because it's impossible. Sure, you can add a PageSetupDialog to do this,
your end-users will be happy to spend their days clicking on various dialogs
and to remember that, contrary to all other softwares, they can't use the
Page Orientation of the common PrintDialog in your new software. And since
end users are expert in computer and software they will understand and never
foguet that "special feature" and you wont have thousand of calls a day to
ask you "How can I print in Landscae ? I choose Landscape but it doesn't

Anyway, have a good day telling your boss that he have to buy the next VS
.Net to HOPE to have things working correctly..


Is there a BUG in the printdialog ? When I create a PrintDialog ans
set the "DefaultPageSettings.Landscape" property to "false" and then display
the dialog, select "Landscape" and click OK, the value of the
"DefaultPageSettings.Landscape" is still false !!??
Code Exemple :
PrintDialog PDialog = new PrintDialog();
PDialog.PrinterSettings = new System.Drawing.Printing.PrinterSettings();
// The dialog show "Portrait" Selected, if you select "Landscape" and click
// the value in the "DefaultPageSettings" is still Landscape=false !!??

Any Bug in/con-firmation and solution to make it work will be appreciated



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