Print titles



I am printing 5 different ranges using the code below (which works fine).
Each range is printed on a different page. I would like also to print range
(h3:blush:6) on all the pages. Any idea how to do that? Thanks

Dim W As Worksheet
Set W = Worksheets("Patients Data")

Dim Rg As Range
Set Rg = Worksheets("Print Data").Range("PrintCheckPatients")

Dim i%

Dim x As Range
Dim asRangeNames(1 To 10)
asRangeNames(1) = "$F$5"
asRangeNames(2) = "$F$180"
asRangeNames(3) = "Country1"
asRangeNames(4) = "Country2"
asRangeNames(5) = "Country3"
asRangeNames(6) = "Country4"
asRangeNames(7) = "Country5"
asRangeNames(8) = "Country6"
asRangeNames(9) = "Country7"
asRangeNames(10) = "Country8"

Dim y As Range
Dim asRangeNamesC(1 To 10)
asRangeNamesC(1) = "PrintCheckb"
asRangeNamesC(2) = "PrintCheckc"
asRangeNamesC(3) = "PrintCheck1"
asRangeNamesC(4) = "PrintCheck2"
asRangeNamesC(5) = "PrintCheck3"
asRangeNamesC(6) = "PrintCheck4"
asRangeNamesC(7) = "PrintCheck5"
asRangeNamesC(8) = "PrintCheck6"
asRangeNamesC(9) = "PrintCheck7"
asRangeNamesC(10) = "PrintCheck8"

With W.PageSetup
.Orientation = xlLandscape
.Zoom = 80
End With

If Rg = Int(True) Then

For i = 1 To UBound(asRangeNames)

Set x = W.Range(asRangeNames(i))
Set y = Worksheets("Print Data").Range(asRangeNamesC(i))

If y.Value = Int(True) Then

W.PageSetup.PrintArea = Union(Range(x.Offset(2, 0), x.Offset(35, 9)), _
Range(x.Offset(37, 0), x.Offset(69, 9)), _
Range(x.Offset(71, 0), x.Offset(103, 9)), _
Range(x.Offset(105, 0), x.Offset(137, 9)), _
Range(x.Offset(140, 0), x.Offset(172, 9))).Address
W.PrintOut Copies:=1, Collate:=True

End If

Next i

End If

End Sub



You can set the printtitlerows property for the pagesetup but this prints
rows and not ranges as in:

ActiveSheet.PageSetup.PrintTitleRows = "$3:$6"

Otherwise you can modify the worksheet before you print it, insert the area
to be printed in the five regions and then print and then remove the regions.


thanks Martin

Martin Fishlock said:

You can set the printtitlerows property for the pagesetup but this prints
rows and not ranges as in:

ActiveSheet.PageSetup.PrintTitleRows = "$3:$6"

Otherwise you can modify the worksheet before you print it, insert the area
to be printed in the five regions and then print and then remove the regions.

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