Print Title on Report from form filter



how can i create the title for my report based on the filtered criteria
in a form? the form opens the report and i want the report to have the
title of what was filtered.

the user can filter among many things (usually only one, though) on the
form, and i would like to get whatever was filtered on the report as
the title

i have the basics down, like having an unbound text box and having
=[filter] in there to show what is being filtered, but i want to
display it in a more presentable and readable fashion.

for example, i would get this: "(((proposal.KEY_PERSON="Test"))) and
instead i want it to display as "KEYPERSON=TEST" (without the
parentheses and preceding 'proposal')

any help appreciated!

OfficeDev18 via

You can tack whatever text you want onto your .OpenReport statement; just use

DoCmd.OpenReport "YourReport",,,,,"Put text here"

format. In your report's Open event, you must capture the string, as follows:

Assuming your report's title box is called MyTitle, you would have the
following line:

Me.MyTitle = Me.OpenArgs

I'm not 100% sure it will work if MyTitle is a label, but it's simple to
change the label to a textbox (right click on the label and select Change To).

You understand that you will have to do all the legwork in your form's
routine, before calling the OpenReport method, in properly massaging the
string the way you want it. No shortcuts here, unfortunately. Also, the
MyTitle box may have to be very large to accommodate all the text.

Hope this helps,


how can i create the title for my report based on the filtered criteria
in a form? the form opens the report and i want the report to have the
title of what was filtered.

the user can filter among many things (usually only one, though) on the
form, and i would like to get whatever was filtered on the report as
the title

i have the basics down, like having an unbound text box and having
=[filter] in there to show what is being filtered, but i want to
display it in a more presentable and readable fashion.

for example, i would get this: "(((proposal.KEY_PERSON="Test"))) and
instead i want it to display as "KEYPERSON=TEST" (without the
parentheses and preceding 'proposal')

any help appreciated!

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