Print Chart Across Multiple Pages


Bruce Altobelli

I have a 30K record engineering data that is plotted into
a single chart, like the stripchart recorders of old. I
want to print out the chart across multiple pages
(probably around 20) in order to maintain the visual
resolution. I can get either the first page with 19 blank
pages (just 2 horizontal lines) or a single page with all
the chart data squashed together. I've tried the typical
page and print setup options to no avail. Does anyone
have any ideas?

Jon Peltier

Hi Bruce -

I suppose you could stretch your chart out so it's 20 pages wide (or
tall) on a worksheet. I wouldn't do it that way myself, because I
wouldn't want to lose easy access to axis scales and the like.

I would make myself 20 charts, each spanning 1/20 of the X axis range.
I would make sure each chart is formatted the same as every other chart,
especially the axis scales and the plot area size within the chart area.
You could line them up, or staple them together, and either way you
wouldn't lose anything, because each page would have its own axes. The
other option is to make a single chart, and use some kind of linked
controls (sliders or what have you) to enable yourself to zoom in on an
area of interest. These controls would change the min and max of
dynamic ranges which comprise the chart source data.

- Jon

Bruce Altobelli

Thanks for the suggestion. See my reply to Tushar Mehta
for a better description of the problem.

Tushar Mehta

It seems to be printer dependent. With Adobe Distiller as the target
'printer' I have the problem you describe when the chart takes more
than 5 pages. With the Epson printer as the destination, there is no
problem even when the chart requires 10 pages.

So, you might want to check with the manufacturer of the 'printer' you
are using.


Tushar Mehta, MS MVP -- Excel
Excel, PowerPoint, and VBA add-ins, tutorials
Custom MS Office productivity solutions

No data line - it's the borders around the page when you
print a chart but none of the data or other typical chart
info is previewed or printed. Let me explain further as
I've done some more experimenting. Create a line chart as
an object in a sheet (not as a separate Chart sheet).
Select the chart. Stretch the right side of the chart to
greater than 78 standard columns wide (columns A to at
least CA). Keep the height the same. This basically
creates a very long "strip chart". Set the area around the
chart as the Print Area. Do a Print Preview. The first
page (there should be 6 or 7 pages in total) will display
fine. The other pages just display the border around the

Shrink the right side of the chart to less than 78 columns
wide. Do a Print Preview. The preview (at least on my
system) shows the same number of pages but the chart data
is correctly displayed on each page. It seems that Excel
may have a limitation on charts of about 78 standard
columns for printing.
-----Original Message-----
[This followup was posted to
microsoft.public.excel.charting with an
email copy to Bruce Altobelli.
Please use the newsgroup for further discussion.]

I assume that when you write "just 2 horizontal lines" you mean you get
your data line and the x-axis at the bottom of the page. Is that
correct? Or are you referring to something else?

If you want to duplicate the y-axis on each page, why not add dummy
series spaced so that each is at the start of a page? Each series will
be a vertical line and contain the appropriate data labels. See the
'Flexible Log Scale' page of my web site to understand the building

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Tushar Mehta, MS MVP -- Excel
Excel, PowerPoint, and VBA add-ins, tutorials
Custom MS Office productivity solutions

I have a 30K record engineering data that is plotted into
a single chart, like the stripchart recorders of old. I
want to print out the chart across multiple pages
(probably around 20) in order to maintain the visual
resolution. I can get either the first page with 19 blank
pages (just 2 horizontal lines) or a single page with all
the chart data squashed together. I've tried the typical
page and print setup options to no avail. Does anyone
have any ideas?

Jon Peltier

Bruce -

Given the detailed description of the problem, I remain convinced that
my suggestion is worth trying. <g>

- Jon

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