print a single envelope directly / bypassing word



The mail merge feature is great for many envelopes. If you just want to
print one envelope. It would be nice to be able to just print a single
envelope quickly as you can in Word. If you would just make the print
envelopes or labels ICON availabe in Outlook that would be great.

If I missed how to set this up maybe someone could tell me how.

Thank you

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Brian Tillman

Dickrabb said:
The mail merge feature is great for many envelopes. If you just want
to print one envelope. It would be nice to be able to just print a
single envelope quickly as you can in Word. If you would just make
the print envelopes or labels ICON availabe in Outlook that would be

Including the ability to generate envelopes in Outlook would entail adding
word processing features into Outlook, something already contained in Word.
Outlook's huge enough without duplicating Word's features. That's why Word
and Outlook integrate.

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