Principal Target Name is incorrect



I have tried to open up active directory and when I try mI
get an error box telling me that the target principal name
is incorrect. What does this mean and how do I fix it?

Also... I want to shut down this domain controller and
rebuild the server. How do I do this? How do I transfer
FSMO roles to another domain controller? I can't do
anything with this server while it's in this state.

Please Help!!!!


Herb Martin

Terry said:
I have tried to open up active directory and when I try mI
get an error box telling me that the target principal name
is incorrect. What does this mean and how do I fix it?

What do you mean by "open up active directory"? Use "AD Users and

You probably have a DNS problem, non-dynamic, all clients and servers
at these internal DNS servers in their NIC properties, or a "single tag"
Domain name,
e.g., Mydomain rather than
Also... I want to shut down this domain controller and
rebuild the server. How do I do this? How do I transfer
FSMO roles to another domain controller? I can't do
anything with this server while it's in this state.

To transfer ALL of the 5 roles the simplest tool is NTDSutil.

Use the "roles" sub-area, connect to the RECEIVING server (for the transfer)
and tell it to TRANSFER each role. The "connected" server will ASK the
server to give it the role, i.e., transfer.

Do NOT use "seize" without seeking (a lot) more help.

BTW, what is encouraging you to "rebuild" a DC?

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