Primary Key ralation to Images



First of all Thanks for taking the time to read this SOS for Help
Please “if possible†reply back to: (e-mail address removed)

I’m using MS Access 2000 with SP3 under Windows XP Home
My first field is the item number; which is also the primary key

And I have a group of pictures which are for each unique item number

What I would like to have explain is… who do I – no having to do it one by one
In the (design table or other possible way)
Create a relationship from the item number (Primary Key)
To the picture in my files (there are all in a separate folder on the hard

Item num. #### <primary key
“and so onâ€

then on a square to the side the corresponding picture of that item

of course the file name for the pics is already named after each
corresponding number in the Item number on access; but I don’t know how to
make the relation for each one to show in a square to the side of each item –
if its done with OLE OBJECT I haven’t been able to figured out.

Thanks to anyone that can help me with this.

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