Primary Drive Space Problem



I have a space problem in my primary drive. One file, pagefile.sys, contains
1.12 GB and seems to grow each day. I have not been able to open it to view
its content.
My question is: Is it possible to reduce/limit/ the size of this system
file. And if so, how might I accomplish this? ....Thanks...CinciDave

Sharon F

I have a space problem in my primary drive. One file, pagefile.sys, contains
1.12 GB and seems to grow each day. I have not been able to open it to view
its content.
My question is: Is it possible to reduce/limit/ the size of this system
file. And if so, how might I accomplish this? ....Thanks...CinciDave

Apparently you have about 768 MB of RAM installed. Windows, using the
default settings, will set the pagefile to 1.5 x that amount, roughly 1.12
GB. This file is part of the virtual memory mechanisms - no need to open it
and view the content.

You could use System Properties> Advanced> Performance> Settings> Virtual
Memory to change from Windows-managed to Custom and limit the pagefile size
BUT that it is growing now indicates that you recently performed some task
that needed a large pagefile. The auto-manage settings are simply doing
their job. The file should shrink to 1.2 GB in a day or two if that extra
allotment is not needed again.

To learn more about virtual memory in WinXP, see this article:

Colin Barnhorst

I suggest that you leave pagefile.sys alone and consider archiving seldom
used files, especially picture and music files. The system needs around 15%
of the system drive to be available for temp files and free space for disk
defragging, so it sounds like some sort of hardware upgrade is in order.

Jack E Martinelli


Sharon F

I followup by suggesting that you install a second, fast HD, with a 2.1 GB
primary partition at its head and assign the page file to it exclusively, in
the manner Sharon F has posted. This will free space on C: and increase
system performance.

Thanks, Jack. I was so worried about his pagefile that I forgot about his
problem with space on his primary drive.

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