Prevent overwriting a file


Patrick C. Simonds

The code below is triggered by a command1 button on on UserForm1. It saves
the document with a name derived by combining data in certain cells. My
problem is if that document name already exists. I do not want the user to
have the option of replacing the original file or renaming the current
file. I want a MsgBox which tells them that the file already exists. Once
the MsgBox is dismissed I want UserForm1 to reappear so they can select a
new date.

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim myRange As Range
Dim myDate As Range
Set myRange = Worksheets("Relief Board").Range("C3")
Set myDate = Worksheets("Relief Board").Range("C4")


myRange.Value = ""
myDate.Value = Calendar1.Value


ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:="P:\AA Exception\ " & Worksheets("Relief
Board").[B3].Value & ", " & Worksheets("Relief Board").[D3].Value &
"_Exception Sheet", _
FileFormat:=xlOpenXMLWorkbookMacroEnabled, Password:="",
WriteResPassword:="", _
ReadOnlyRecommended:=False, CreateBackup:=False

Unload StartNewDay

End Sub

Patrick C. Simonds

I have to admit, I do not even know where to begin to integrate this into my
current code.

Leith Ross said:
The code below is triggered by a command1 button on on UserForm1. It
the document with a name derived by combining data in certain cells.
problem is if that document name already exists. I do not want the user
have the option of replacing the original file or renaming the current
file. I want a MsgBox which tells them that the file already exists.
the MsgBox is dismissed I want UserForm1 to reappear so they can select
new date.
--------------------Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim myRange As Range
Dim myDate As Range
Set myRange = Worksheets("Relief Board").Range("C3")
Set myDate = Worksheets("Relief Board").Range("C4")


myRange.Value = ""
myDate.Value = Calendar1.Value


ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:="P:\AA Exception\ " & Worksheets("Relief
Board").[B3].Value & ", " & Worksheets("Relief Board").[D3].Value &
"_Exception Sheet", _
FileFormat:=xlOpenXMLWorkbookMacroEnabled, Password:="",
WriteResPassword:="", _
ReadOnlyRecommended:=False, CreateBackup:=False

Unload StartNewDay

End Sub

Hello Patrick,

You can use the Dir statement to test if a file exists. You can even
use wild card characters to match similar names.


FileName = Dir("P:\AA Exception\MyFile.xls")

'If the file doesn't exist, FileName will be an empty string "".
If FileName <> "" Then
MsgBox "File Exists. Please Use a Different Name."
End If


Leith Ross

Leith Ross

'The Code Cage' (

Patrick C. Simonds

Thank you

I get a Subscript out of range error with the code below highlighted. I
thought the problem might be that the type of file was not indicated (in
this case xlsm) so I tried adding before the last quote mark but I still got
the same error.

FileName = "P:\AA Exception\ " _
& Worksheets("ReliefBoard").[B3].Value _
& ", " & Worksheets("Relief Board").[D3].Value _
& "_Exception Sheet"

Patrick C. Simonds

I am sorry to have wasted your time on that last question. I have been so
wrapped up in this project I totally missed that ReliefBoard should have
been Relief Board (two words).

Leith Ross said:
Thank you

I get a Subscript out of range error with the code below highlighted.
thought the problem might be that the type of file was not indicated
this case xlsm) so I tried adding before the last quote mark but I
still got
the same error.

FileName = "P:\AA Exception\ " _
& Worksheets("ReliefBoard").[B3].Value _
& ", " & Worksheets("Relief Board").[D3].Value _
& "_Exception Sheet"

Hello Patrick,

The only subscripts would be cells. Everything else is a fixed string.
Do the cells have the correct values? Are all the names of the
worksheets spelled correctly? If all that checks out OK, I really don't
know what the problem would be. I don't have Excel 2007 so I can't run
it even if you posted the workbook

Leith Ross

Leith Ross

'The Code Cage' (

Patrick C. Simonds

Yes it did. Thank you very much!

Leith Ross said:
I am sorry to have wasted your time on that last question. I have been
wrapped up in this project I totally missed that ReliefBoard should
been Relief Board (two words).

Leith Ross said:
Patrick C. Simonds;205750 Wrote:
Thank you

I get a Subscript out of range error with the code below highlighted.
thought the problem might be that the type of file was not indicated
this case xlsm) so I tried adding before the last quote mark but I
still got
the same error.

FileName = "P:AA Exception " _
& Worksheets("ReliefBoard").[B3].Value _
& ", " & Worksheets("Relief Board").[D3].Value _
& "_Exception Sheet"

Hello Patrick,

The only subscripts would be cells. Everything else is a fixed string.
Do the cells have the correct values? Are all the names of the
worksheets spelled correctly? If all that checks out OK, I really don't
know what the problem would be. I don't have Excel 2007 so I can't run
it even if you posted the workbook

Leith Ross

Leith Ross

'The Code Cage' ('The Code Cage' (
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Hello Patrick,

I misspell words a lot when coding. My typing skills are my weakness,
Did that solve the problem?

Leith Ross

Leith Ross

'The Code Cage' (

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