Prevent Cell modification when Excel is executed


Paul Worsnop


I have been searching around the various excel forums but cannot find a
solution to the problem I have.

We have a number of PC's now functioning on our factory shop floor, all of
which access various excel documents that display calculations the users need
to use for the manufacture of our goods.

These have all been produced over time and there are 100's of them.

The issue we have is not allowing the users to modify the cells. All the
files are read only so they cannot alter and save anything, however there is
always the chance that they may mistakenly overtype a cells value unkowingly
and use that incorrect value and hense produce incorrectly which could have
costly implications.

Is there a solution whereby all files opened by these PC's can be
automatically locked when opened so the cells cant be modified at all?

We have 100's of excel spreadsheets that they will be using so opening each
one and locking them that way would be a huge exercise and waste a lot of


Otto Moehrbach

The only solution I can think of involves some work on your part. That
would be for you to get every such file into one folder of one computer.
You would then run some code (a macro) to loop through all those files and
loop through all the sheets in each file and protect each sheet, with or
without a password, as you choose, then save each file. The code would do
all that. Then you would have to place each file back into its original
computer. This would give you something to do on a weekend <g>. HTH Otto


Hi Paul,
If you want the user not to change information in a cell just lock it and
protect the worksheet. when they try to enter enything a pop up error message
will tell them that the cell is protected

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