Prevent 2 Decimal Points Entry in a Textbox



Does anyone have code to allow entry of ONLY one Decimal Point (KeyAscii
Character 46) in a text box???

I was playing w/ code like this, but NOT getting the desired result.

Public Sub DecZeroNine(KeyAscii)
Dim B, Ctl As Control
Set Ctl = Screen.ActiveControl
MsgBox Screen.ActiveControl
If ((KeyAscii = 8) Or _
(KeyAscii >= 48 And KeyAscii <= 57)) Then
' it's a 0-9 or a Backspace (8)
ElseIf (KeyAscii = 46) Then
MsgBox KeyAscii
' it's ar Decimal Pt (46)
B = InStr(1, Ctl, ".")
MsgBox B
If IsNull(B) Then
MsgBox "Null"
' OK - 1st "."
MsgBox "No DecPt Allowed"
KeyAscii = 0
End If
' eat it
KeyAscii = 0
End If
End Sub

TIA - Bob


f the text box is always numeric and you can live with preventing the udpate
of the box (instead of preventing the user from even typing the second
decimal point), how about formatting the text box with, for example, General
Number? Then, if the user enters a second decimal point, it will generate an
error that you can trap and/or pass on to the user.

If you really must prevent entry in the first place, try this in the
KeyPress event:

Private Sub Text1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
If KeyAscii = 46 Then
If Str(Text1.Text) Like "*.*" Then
MsgBox "No second decimal allowed"
SendKeys "{BACKSPACE 1}"
End If
End If
End Sub


Hmmm...on further thought..the code in my prior post doesn't work if the
decimal points are consecutive key strokes or at the beginning of the entry.
Try this instead:

If KeyAscii = 46 Then
If Len(Text1.Text) = 0 Then Exit Sub 'bypass check if this is the first
If Not IsNumeric(Text1.Text & Chr(KeyAscii)) Then
MsgBox "No second decimal allowed"
SendKeys "{BACKSPACE 1}"
End If
End If
End Sub

Marshall Barton

Bob said:
Does anyone have code to allow entry of ONLY one Decimal Point (KeyAscii
Character 46) in a text box???

Private Sub Text14_Change()
Dim intPos As Integer
Dim intLen As Integer

intPos = InStr(Text14.Text, ".")
intLen = Len(Text14.Text) - 1
If 0 < intPos And intPos < intLen Then
Text14.Text = Left(Text14.Text, intLen)
Text14.SelStart = intLen
End If
End Sub


Will try your 2nd Post - I figure if the User makes an Entry error, it's
likely to be 2 decimal points back-to-back.

Thank you - Bob


Brian - thank you. I'll try this using Ctl
as Screen-ActiveControl. I have MANY
textboxes & want to use a single Subroutine.



Marsh - I'll try it - Thank you - Bob

Marshall Barton said:
Bob said:
Does anyone have code to allow entry of ONLY one Decimal Point (KeyAscii
Character 46) in a text box???

Private Sub Text14_Change()
Dim intPos As Integer
Dim intLen As Integer

intPos = InStr(Text14.Text, ".")
intLen = Len(Text14.Text) - 1
If 0 < intPos And intPos < intLen Then
Text14.Text = Left(Text14.Text, intLen)
Text14.SelStart = intLen
End If
End Sub


Brian - I skightly modified your code so I can use the same Sub on ALL
(Code is below). It WORKS on 2 Decimal places entered consecutively.
However,if I enter 1.3. ---> the {BACKSPACE} deletes the 3 because the 2nd
Decimal Point won't enter (which is what we want).

Is there a way to "examine" if a "non-decimal pt" - (like a 3) which is to
the immediate left of what would be the 2nd decimal pt entered???

My code..
Public Sub DecZeroNine(KeyAscii)
Dim Ctl As Control
Set Ctl = Screen.ActiveControl
If ((KeyAscii = 8) Or _
(KeyAscii >= 48 And KeyAscii <= 57)) Then
' it's a 0-9 or a Backspace (8)
ElseIf (KeyAscii = 46) Then
If Len(Ctl.Text) = 0 Then Exit Sub 'bypass check if this is the first
If Not IsNumeric(Ctl.Text & Chr(KeyAscii)) Then
MsgBox "No second decimal allowed"
SendKeys "{BACKSPACE}"
End If
' eat it
KeyAscii = 0
End If
End Sub

TIA - Bob

Tim Ferguson

Does anyone have code to allow entry of ONLY one Decimal Point (KeyAscii
Character 46) in a text box???

if not isnumeric(MyString) Then
cancel = True
msgbox "You have to enter a real number"

' it's a valid entry


.... let the platform do the work, not yourself!


Tim F

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