Pre Compile


Ming Zhang

Hi All,
We are developing an ASP.NET applications in last three years. Now there are
240 assemblies in the whole application. You can guess that everytime after
modifying an ASP.NET page, it's very slow to load it up because of the first
time compilation. In takes 2-3 minutes in our case.
I am not sure whether the compilation time is related to the size of our
project or only relate to the size of the ASPX page. It becomes a major
problem as it slows down developers work. (Developers need to compile and
debug many many time a day...). I am looking for ways to speed it up, i.e.
will it help if we precompile some dlls, etc?

Please share you comments!

Thanks in advance

Kevin Spencer

If you're working with Visual Studio.Net, you can specify which DLLs are
built with each build. For example, you are not likely to be working on all
240 assemblies in your Solution. Turn off building for the ones you aren't
working on.


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
..Net Developer
Neither a follower nor a lender be.

Scott Allen


Kevin's suggestion will help you at compile time.

If the application is loading all these assemblies at *run-time* then
I must say 240 is an excessive number. You should really consider
refactoring into a smaller number.

With this many assemblies you can run into extraordinary problems.
Consider, for instance, just loading that many assemblies into memory.
If the base address for all the assemblies is the same (Project
Properties -> Configuration Properties -> Advanced -> Base Address)
then Windows has to relocate the dll to a different virtual address
and patch up pointers - this process can be expensive for 240 files.

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