ppt O2K freezes with open dialog box



Students are creating ppt projects with hyperlinks between pages. ppt will
freeze, not letting us close, save, or anything. I try to end program with
task manager and it says "You can't quit PowerPoint while a dialog box or
message box is open." But I can find no dialog box open anywhere. This has
happened immediately after a student started the program, so there was no
chance to do anything. I will eventually get the end program to take, but
any edits will be lost cuz we couldn't save. Any ideas?
We run Office 2K, WinXPPro. THanks.

Lynda Young
Weimar Hills School


Thanks, Glenna. We ran the "Detect and Repair" from the tools menu and the
freezing problems seem to have stopped. I never knew that was there! THanks
for your help.


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