PPT Macro - Change Chart Series Colors



HELP Please!
Recently the company I work for changed their Chart
Colors. Does anyone have a macro that will change the
series RGB colors?


Steve Rindsberg

Sonia said:
But if the desired colors were "images", couldn't you programmatically
modify the data series color to a picture fill? A 5 X 5 pixel image filled
with the color and saved as a GIF or PNG in an image editor would do it.

Good point. Yes, that will indeed work. Even gradients look pretty nice
done that way.


-----Original Message-----
5 pixel image
filled editor would do it.

Good point. Yes, that will indeed work. Even gradients look pretty nice
done that way.
when designing

The PowerPoint(PPT) MSGraphs Data changes at the last
minute so, if I make them Gifs... the data can not be

I already have macros to change the color palette in Excel
to Company standards and another to change back to default
Excel colors. But I was was trying to avoid having to
take the data back and forth between Excel and PPT to
change the colors. I can not fine the syntex for MSGraph
in PPT to modify the color Palette for the MSGraph Series.

To have a custom MSGraph color in PPT MSGraph one the
Chart is made is to select the series the click on
Tools/Options/Colors/Modify/Custom. The problem is the
color will stay only until you double click on the Chart
then it will revert back to the original color palette.

Have you found any workaround?

Thanks for your help!

Steve Rindsberg

The PowerPoint(PPT) MSGraphs Data changes at the last
minute so, if I make them Gifs... the data can not be

Sonia meant something else ...not to make the graphs themselves GIFs, but to
pre-prepare small GIFs that are filled with the RGB color you want to use.
Then instead of coloring the bar, etc. with a color from Graph's palette,
use Fill Effects and experiment with Picture or Texture fills, choosing the
GIF file instead of the built-in ones.
I already have macros to change the color palette in Excel
to Company standards and another to change back to default
Excel colors. But I was was trying to avoid having to
take the data back and forth between Excel and PPT to
change the colors. I can not fine the syntex for MSGraph
in PPT to modify the color Palette for the MSGraph Series.

There *is* no syntax. You can't do it.

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