PowerPoint Remote Control from a Mobile Phone over Bluetooth




I'm trying to write a program using JAVA that will control powerpoint
slide show from a mobile phone

over bluetooth connection.

The phone's keys will do the function of left and right-arrows of the
computer keyboard.

To do those, I need to have the system call codes for powerpoint. I
mean, I'm guessing so...

Does anyone know how can I find these system call codes, or does anyone
has any other comment or

suggestion on this matter?

Anything replied to this subject is very much appreciated...

Austin Myers

The only way I know to do this is by using a "Send Keys" statement. (I have
no idea how you would do that in Java as I never use Java.)

In VB or VBA you would use something like "sendkeys string" where string is
the key you are sending. Be aware, using the send keys function is a bit,
umm, delicate and you must make certain of what app has the current focus in

A search of the Microsoft on line knowledge base should give you examples of
it's use.

Austin Myers
MS PowerPoint MVP Team

Provider of PFCMedia, PFCPro, PFCExpress

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