Powerpoint <-> EXCEL



Hi, I have two charts in an EXCEL chartsheet, an aerachart and a X-Y
(Scatter)-chart. I have aligned the charts which means that the chart sizes
are equal and the X- and Y-values are the same for both charts. When I click
a point I get the corresponding data for the point.

Now I want to use this chart in a PPT slideshow and when I click in
slideshowmode get the same data as in EXCEL. I know how to use an EXCEL chart
in PPT and to ungroup and so but with this method I cant use the work done in

Insteade I would like to do something like this:
1: Link the chartsheet to PPT
2: click a point in PPT slideshow
3: Get the X- and Y- values in pixels
4: Convert the pixel-values to chart-values
5: Store the values in Public variables
6: Run EXCEL, invisible to the slideshow
7: Move the mouse to the chart position
8: Simulate a mouseclick in EXCEL
9: Store the result in Public variables
10: Tell PPT new data ready
11: Msgbox the data in PPT.

Is this possible? If so I would need help with point 4, 6, 7 and 8.

Thank you in advance for any help provided / boh

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