Powerpoint cuts movies off...



I have a Powerpoint presentation that will intermixes informational slides
with several 2-3 minute mpeg video clips. The application is "hung on the
waiting room wall" on a 32" LCD monitor for a MediSpa... giving information,
showing before/after video, lather, rinse, repeat!

Everything works great... except that Powerpoint is transitioning to the
next slide before the previous video has finished playing, typically 7-14
seconds are getting cut off the end of each video - which is very annoying.

Any suggestions?

Kathy Jacobs

Add an object to the slide. Move it off the visible part of the slide. Give
it an animation (any animation) and set that animation to happen "after
previous". The animation won't happen until the movie is done and the
transition won't happen until all the animations are done. Voila -
transitions won't happen until the movie is done.

Kathryn Jacobs, Microsoft MVP PowerPoint and OneNote
Author of Kathy Jacobs on PowerPoint - Available now from Holy Macro! Books
Get PowerPoint and OneNote information at www.onppt.com

I believe life is meant to be lived. But:
if we live without making a difference, it makes no difference that we lived


Wow. So this is the hack for what used to be a simple check box? In earlier
versions of PPT, there was a "While Playing: Pause slide show" option. I
tried Kathy's suggestion and it worked. But shouldn't there be a real menu
option for pausing the show until the clip is done?! Someone was asleep at
the wheel in Redmond, I think. Kinda wish I'd stuck with PPT97. The new
animation interface stinks.

Jun 17, 2010
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Why does my video get cut off?


For some reason, this suggestion did not work in my video. Let me give you some details and please let me know if you can figure out what the problem might be:

- The video is 20 seconds long and it gets cut off at about 15.
- The problem is only when the PPT is played on my PC; my wife's PC and my work PC don't display the problem.
- The video was originally about 15 seconds long, adn I added about 5 seconds more in a video editing program. It gets cut off about where the two got spliced.

Is there some setting on my computer that causes PPT to cut off the video and progress to the next slide before the video is done playing?



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