Powerpoint 2003 Addins


RJ Lohan

Hi all,

I'm having some trouble migrating addins from previous powerpoint
versions to Office 2003. One of the oddities I've noticed is that when I
add an AddIn to a searchable location, Powerpoint picks it up at
startup. However, if I then remove that .ppa file, Powerpoint continues
to display all the behaviour contained in that .ppa file. :-/ How is it
doing this, and how can I make it stop? With this problem, I can't
uninstall an addin it seems.

The other oddity is that the Addins dialog won't let me Add the addin,
even though Powerpoint has picked it up previously at runtime. This
dialog seems to be broken - it just doesn't work for me.

Any help much appreciated.


RJ Lohan

No, I have no Addins key for Powerpoint in the registry. I'm wondering
if it has anything to do with my having multiple versions of Office

The problem seems to have stopped now anyway- I have no idea why.... :-/

Shyam Pillai

What is the Macro Security level? Change it to Medium before loading the
add-in. Add-ins won't load it is set to Very High.

Shyam Pillai

RJ Lohan

Ok, that didn't work. Our addin is signed and from a trusted source, the
addin manager still won't load it.

On this topic - if I put the addin in the program folder, it is
auto-loaded when the app starts.

But now I'm having a problem where powerpoint seems to be saving all the
toolbar chagnes and associated code to a .pcb file. Is there any way to
stop it doing this? It means we can't uninstall our addins without
removing this file it seems...


Steve Rindsberg

But now I'm having a problem where powerpoint seems to be saving all the
toolbar chagnes and associated code to a .pcb file. Is there any way to
stop it doing this? It means we can't uninstall our addins without
removing this file it seems...

And you probably don't want to delete the PCB file, because if you do that
you'll take out any other customizations the user's done.

If you use an installer app, the uninstaller might be rigged to run a small VB
or other external app that automates PPT to delete the toolbars and such that
you've created.

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