PowerPoint 2002 multiple masters automation



I have the Powrpoint Template file and trying to apply it to the
presentation using automation. That template has multiple masters. I do
the following:

PowerPoint.Application powerPointApp = null;
PowerPoint.Presentation powerPointPresent = null;
PowerPoint.Slide powerPointSlide = null;

powerPointApp = new PowerPoint.ApplicationClass();
powerPointApp.Visible = MsoTriState.msoTrue;
powerPointApp.ShowStartupDialog = MsoTriState.msoTrue;
powerPointPresent = powerPointApp.Presentations.Add(
MsoTriState.msoTrue );
powerPointPresent.ApplyTemplate( docTemplatePath );

After this code I have only one Design object (first master from
template) in the powerPointPresent.Designs collection.

I've tried to the same action manully in the application:

1. Create new Presentation
2. In the slide design I apply a design template and go the message box
with text: "The design template has multiple masters. PowerPoint has
applied the first master in the template. Do you want to copy the other
masters into your presentation for later use? Yes/No".

If I choose Yes I get all my masters I need. I guess when I do this in
C# code,
Office automation ignores this message and uses default answer "No". So
I get only one slide master.

Is there a way to add allthe slide masters from template by C#? Please

Best regards,

Shyam Pillai

Copy the designs into the current presentation and then apply the desired
' =====================================================
Dim oSourceDesigns As Presentation
Dim I As Integer
Set oSourceDesigns = Presentations.Open("K:\Templates\main.pot", , , False)
For I = 1 To oSourceDesigns.Designs.Count
ActivePresentation.Designs.Clone oSourceDesigns.Designs(I)
Next I
Set oSourceDesigns = Nothing
Also see: How to apply designs to various slides (2002 and later):

Shyam Pillai

Image Importer Wizard

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