powerpoint 2000 on VS 2005 - error & my troubleshooting attempts



im using VS 2005 ,and working on a windows applicaiton that opens
powerpoint files. I ahve stumbled upon the folowing problems :

1. no pIA 's for office 2000 . what do i do ?

2. i managed to use ildasm to try to generate my new powerpoint dll's .
as follows in VS command prompt of the projects bin/debug folder :

This method was suggested to rebuild the Interop.PowerPoint.dll which
i reference in my project. But it dint provide any good as i got the
folowing error :

"Unable to cast COM object of type 'PowerPoint.ApplicationClass' to
interface type 'PowerPoint._Application'. This operation failed because
the QueryInterface call on the COM component for the interface with IID
'{91493442-5A91-11CF-8700-00AA0060263B}' failed due to the following
error: Library not registered. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8002801D

3.I hear that using tlbimp works. how do i go about it ? what is it for

Is there any hope for a VS 2005 C# developer to access powerpoint 2000
from their application without using the webBrowser control ?

4. i tried using the webBrowser control ,but wasnt able to capture the
click events when i load a ppt file. How do i override the pagedown
(next slide) event from the webbrower

Keep clicking,

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