Power Point - Grouping tool greyed out


alex r.

I have a group in a Power Point slide. I want to ungroup and change an
element. There is animation also applied to the slide. The "group" features
are greyed out when I select the group. Must I "unanimate" before it will
allow me to ungroup? If I unanimate, is there a "reanimate" selection that
will put it back EXACTLY as it was or do I need to redo the animation?


alex r. said:
I have a group in a Power Point slide. I want to ungroup and change an
element. There is animation also applied to the slide. The "group"
are greyed out when I select the group. Must I "unanimate" before it will
allow me to ungroup? If I unanimate, is there a "reanimate" selection that
will put it back EXACTLY as it was or do I need to redo the animation?

As your question appears to be unrelated to .NET, I suggest that you ask in
a discussion group related to PowerPoint.
The group you want is:


I'm cross posting this so the PowerPoint folks will see it.

Lucy Thomson

PvdG42 said:
As your question appears to be unrelated to .NET, I suggest that you ask
in a discussion group related to PowerPoint.
The group you want is:


I'm cross posting this so the PowerPoint folks will see it.

Thanks PvdG42 :)

Alex - what version are you using? What do you want to change in the group?
What kind of animation does it have (i.e. why will reanimating be an issue).
Ungrouping does indeed get rid of the animation (but ungrouping may not be
necessary), and no there isn't a 're-animate' option, but there may be
workarounds if you tell us a little more.


Echo S

In addition, I can't tell if the poster is trying to group or ungroup. You
cannot group placeholders (where it says, "click to add text" or "click to
add title" or "click to add picture" etc.), so if one of your selected
objects is a placeholder, this could be the problem.

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