Posting from HTML form to WebForm



I am posting from a HTML form (below) to a aspx webform.
This works OK but I notice the £ character (pound sign) is dropped! i.e. not
picked up by a Request.Form["X"] in the webform e.g. input = 12£34, output =

Please would anyone say why this is?

<form name="Form1" method="post" action="WebForm3.aspx" id="Form1">
<input name="X" type="text" id="X">
<input type="submit" name="Button1" value="TheButton" id="Button1" >

Steve C. Orr [MVP, MCSD]

Have you tried setting it to use unicode?
Here's more info on the subject:

Also, have you checked the Globalization section of the web.config?
Try changing it to something more like this:

<!-- Web.Config Configuration File -->

<customErrors mode="Off"/>

Joerg Jooss

Steve said:
Have you tried setting it to use unicode?
Here's more info on the subject:

Also, have you checked the Globalization section of the web.config?
Try changing it to something more like this:

<!-- Web.Config Configuration File -->

<customErrors mode="Off"/>

ISO-8859-1 is *not* Unicode.

The problem is that the HTML page uses its own encoding to submit the
data, which unless specified is ISO-8859-1. So either change the
globalization element (this can also be done by code BTW), or encode
the HTML page properly, i.e. save it with UTF-8 encoding and add a
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
tag to the page.

Note that there's little reason to downgrade requestEncoding and
responseEncoding from UTF-8 unless every single byte transmitted
counts, or content is solely intended for North American or Western
European users (excluding the French, who forgot to include some
characters in ISO-8859-1 ;->). I recommend encoding the HTML page

In theory, the form tag's "accept-charset" attribute allows one to
specify the encoding of form data regardless of the page's own encoding
or browsers settings, but this attribute lacks proper browser support.



Marvelous and thank you very much.

Joerg Jooss said:
ISO-8859-1 is *not* Unicode.

The problem is that the HTML page uses its own encoding to submit the
data, which unless specified is ISO-8859-1. So either change the
globalization element (this can also be done by code BTW), or encode
the HTML page properly, i.e. save it with UTF-8 encoding and add a
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
tag to the page.

Note that there's little reason to downgrade requestEncoding and
responseEncoding from UTF-8 unless every single byte transmitted
counts, or content is solely intended for North American or Western
European users (excluding the French, who forgot to include some
characters in ISO-8859-1 ;->). I recommend encoding the HTML page

In theory, the form tag's "accept-charset" attribute allows one to
specify the encoding of form data regardless of the page's own encoding
or browsers settings, but this attribute lacks proper browser support.


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