Post XML and Redirect



HI all,

I am looking to post XML data to a particular page and also redirect to
the same page.
I have coded a WebReqest code in page0 that posts the XML to the page1
and then the page1 in its PageLoad event reads and parses the XML it
then saves the data it recieved to cookies. But using this technique
the code returns to the page0. I have then used
response.redirect(page1) but the cookies are lost...

Is there a way of redirecting to a particular page and posting XML data
to it without going back to the original page - page0 ?

The idea is I am programming an integrated site that is a web
application where user has to fill in his personal details, but he can
only get to this page from a brokers website. And the broker sometimes
has this data already so I want to make an interface where they can
post the data and it fills in the textboxes on my site but i also need
the customer to go over them check and confirm them.

And as all this data is sensitive i cannot use QueryString to pass the

THANKS for any ideas

S. Justin Gengo


Store the data in a session variables and then do the redirect. Then it
won't be lost.


S. Justin Gengo
Web Developer / Programmer

Free code library:

"Out of chaos comes order."


I cant do that as the site I am programming is going to be an itegrated

Other companies will have to post data to it and redirect to it then it
will take user thru some steps using the details that has been posted.

How could i implement this with the least amount of work that need to
be done on the client (the company that is going to be posting data to
it) side.

S. Justin Gengo

Store the information in a database or xml file using a unique key for
retrieving the data. Send that unique key back to the originator and then
have them redirect with that key in the query string. Then the key may be
used to lookup the data.


S. Justin Gengo
Web Developer / Programmer

Free code library:

"Out of chaos comes order."

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