post is missing



I posted in windows xp>general discussion two days ago on the 13th, the
question - microphone not working in XP.

The post seems to have vanished. How peculiar!

Anyone got any ideas what happens to posts - do they mysteriously vanish at


Hello hd
I just did a search with 'find' in general and your orig post was there and
all the replies.
I looked for it in the view pane and could not find it as you say.
Did another find and it was gone - no trace at all.
I had replied to you - I can find my two replies.
Are you now in trouble again?


ok so i cant even figure out how to post on here this is the closest i've
gotten but any way i do have a question i just bought this new game and it
was fairly exspencive and i cant return it and its telling me it needs a
1024x768 resolution ummm what is thats and can i or how do i fix that i dont
know if i can get an answer on here cause its not really a post but my email
addy is (e-mail address removed)
i would love to get some answers if some one could help


It has appeared again - I don't know what is going on here????
Can I get anything from it for you.


Please start your own post - what you have done is called hijacking a post.
Trying to follow one thread can be difficult. Two in the same post is most

Ken Blake, MVP

antioch said:
Please start your own post - what you have done is called hijacking a
post. Trying to follow one thread can be difficult. Two in the same
post is most awkward.

RavenLane should also note that part of the reason he's having problems
posting is that he's are using the web interface to read this
newsgroup--it's the slowest, clunkiest, most error-prone method there is. He
should do himself a favor and switch to a newsreader, such as Outlook
Express, which comes with Windows. See



i've done a number of searches and it's not coming up at all. I just wanted
to see it and see if there were anymore additions to the thread.

Seems like the whole system is full of glitches and is totally unreliable.

thanks anyway.


msn said:

i've done a number of searches and it's not coming up at all. I just
wanted to see it and see if there were anymore additions to the thread.

Seems like the whole system is full of glitches and is totally unreliable.

thanks anyway.

Hi msn - or is it hd??
Last post was me -

Hope you get this

Tim Slattery

RavenLane said:
ok so i cant even figure out how to post on here this is the closest i've
gotten but any way i do have a question i just bought this new game and it
was fairly exspencive and i cant return it and its telling me it needs a
1024x768 resolution ummm what is thats and can i or how do i fix that

It's how many pixels (tiny dots) your video card and monitor can
display. 1024x768 means that your monitor is showing 1024 pixels in
each row across the screen, and 768 pixels in each column. That
resolution allows for quite a bit of detail.

To change your screen resolution, right-click on an empty part of your
desktop. Choose "Properties" from the menu that pops up, then click
the "Settings" tab in the box that appears. Look for the "Screen
resolution" slider on the left side of the resulting box.

Moving the pointer along that slider (click and drag it) will change
your resolution. You should only be able to change it to settings that
your hardware can support. Move it to where you want it, then click
"Apply" or "OK" and the bottom of the box. The screen will go blank
for a few seconds while things are changed. If it works correctly,
your screen will reappear at the new resolution, and you'll click
another "OK" box to tell the OS that everything's all right. If things
don't work and you can't see anything, just wait a bit. The system
will eventually figure out that you're not responding (in particular,
that you haven't clicked "OK"), and will return to the original

i dont
know if i can get an answer on here cause its not really a post but my email
addy is (e-mail address removed)
i would love to get some answers if some one could help

It's a post. But you don't get email in response. You post it here,
you read it here.


No the messages don't "mysteriously vanish at random" unless you used
forbidden words to antagonize an MVP. Have you considered using a
proper Newsreader such as Outlook Express?



I set up 2 posts, one in Programming and one in General Discussion. That was
3-4 days ago and while I was able to find them for the first 2 days they have
since dissapeared. I responded by putting another Post in General Discussions
this morning,, earmarked the page (again) but that too has dissappeared. I
put another one in a few hours ago and guess what? Is someone out there who
disagrees with the questions eliminating them? I shouldn't think so, so where
are they?
If I can find them then maybe I can find some answers attached.


donotspam said:
I set up 2 posts, one in Programming and one in General Discussion.
That was 3-4 days ago and while I was able to find them for the first
2 days they have since dissapeared. I responded by putting another
Post in General Discussions this morning,, earmarked the page (again)
but that too has dissappeared. I
put another one in a few hours ago and guess what? Is someone out
there who disagrees with the questions eliminating them? I shouldn't
think so, so where are they?
If I can find them then maybe I can find some answers attached.

Go to Google Groups Advanced Search and search for your name or subject
line in the groups to which you posted.

No one is removing your posts. You are having difficulties finding them
because you are using the web interface, which is awful. Instead, use a
real newsreader. This is very easy to set up. Here is information to
explain this:

Since you are using the web interface, you may not realize that this is
really a newsgroup. You will get far more out of this resource if you
learn to use a newsreader. There are many good newsreaders for Windows,
but you can use Outlook Express since you already have it. Here are
some links to information about newsgroups:

About Usenet: - Basics
of Usenet - a brief
explanation of newsgroups

Using Outlook Express as Newsreader:

How to Post: - list of MS newsgroups - MS group to test if your newsreader is
working properly - how to munge email address - multiposting vs.



Thanks for your response Malke, I tried but have to try some more. However I
have joined the Google group discussions. The unfortunate thing here in MS
groups is that you never know if you're in the right forum or not. It's a
pity we're not all pc literate, then we might know a bit more, rather than
taking a chance of being abused for being in the wrong place and asking the
wrong questions.
Anyway,Thanks again.


donotspam said:
Thanks for your response Malke, I tried but have to try some more.
However I
have joined the Google group discussions. The unfortunate thing here
in MS groups is that you never know if you're in the right forum or
not. It's a pity we're not all pc literate, then we might know a bit
more, rather than taking a chance of being abused for being in the
wrong place and asking the wrong questions.
Anyway,Thanks again.

Google Groups is almost as bad as the MS web interface. In fact, in some
public newsgroups (not the MS ones) people won't even answer you if you
post using Google Groups. Here are a few links to help you use Google
Groups and not tick anybody off: - Replying/quoting
properly when using GoogleGroups - Also see "Google Groups and Netiquette"

I already gave you the list of all the MS newsgroups. For the most part,
it is easy to tell where to post. If you have a questions about MS
Word, then you post in a Word or MS Office group. If you have a
question about the XP operating system, you post in this one. Here is
the link to the groups list again for your convenience:


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