possible trojan found



I was doing a free trial trojan hunter scan and it found
a possible warning unable to unpack file C:\Program
Files\Trojan Remover\unp.exe Found possible trojan file
C\Paltalk.exe (Possible trojan downloader). Can someone
help me out with this and how to get this trojan from my
stystem. Thanks


man those free trial things only tell you that it has found all of this stuff on your pc but the truth is that nothing is there it is a scam to get you to buy thier product half the time when you don't buy thoer product they will infect you when you delete them off of your pc


hey man don't sweat it it is all right had this happen all the time all you have to do is delete paltalk through your search in your start menu and then down load grisoft.com or org and that is a free antivirus software that will keep you up to date when you turn on ur resident shield ok hope that helps

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